Wednesday, September 29, 2010


Are fanny packs played out? Yea, so what?! Even talking about them is played out. It’s not even ironic to wear one. So get outta here with all that mess. You want to know what kind of mess I want to get into? My fanny pack’s mess!

My fanny pack can hold at least seven biscuits, no doubt. This is quite convenient in an urban setting. I hate luggin around a briefcase full of biscuits. It’s unwieldy and people always ask for a bite or ten. With my fanny I can just jam my fings down into my pack, snag a hunk a bisc, and get rid of that sick nasty third world feeling of hunger.

Let’s do a quick biscuit rank

First: Ezell’s

Tied for Last: Everybody else

Check out this picture for your records: In the most North Eastern Quaternary are located 2 fresh biscuits, no doubt delicious. I don't know what those other things are. Look like bad, burnt biscuits. You can now distinguish.

Good news: Due to my most previous math algorithmed ranking skills, whenever you eat a biscuit, you’re eating one of the top two flavored biscuits in the world. Not a bad afternoon.

Bad news: Bread won’t be forever. Get a biscuit quick! Bisquick! Pancakes. (aren’t as good as waffles, but they’ll do in a breakfast pinch). coming soon. A perfect bellybag to hold your breadmeats.

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